
13 Sep 2024

Understanding Global Migration: How IOM’s COMPASS Programme Is Shaping the Future

Migration has always been a fundamental part of human history, but the scale and complexity of migration in today’s world have reached unprecedented levels. In 2020, there were an estimated 281 million international migrants worldwide, representing 3.6% of the global population. As the world continues to change due to social, economic, and political transformations, the need to better understand migration has never been more pressing.

The Cooperation on Migration and Partnerships to Achieve Sustainable Solutions (COMPASS) programme, a joint effort between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, aims to address these complexities by strengthening migration governance and promoting safe, dignified migration pathways. Through COMPASS, IOM is working closely with governments and partners across the globe to ensure that migration is orderly and beneficial for all.

Migration by the Numbers: Key Statistics

Migration is often discussed in terms of numbers, which help policymakers, researchers, and the public grasp the scale of global movements. Consider these key migration statistics from 2020:

  • 281 million people were international migrants, living in a country other than their birthplace.
  • This accounts for 3.6% of the global population, marking a steady increase from previous decades.
  • In 1990, the number of international migrants was 128 million less than in 2020, and the number in 1970 was three times smaller than today.

Migration isn’t just about moving across borders. It reflects a broader, dynamic picture of how populations shift globally in response to social, economic, and environmental factors.

  • Europe and Asia hosted the largest shares of international migrants, with 87 million and 86 million, respectively, accounting for 61% of global international migration.
  • North America followed with 59 million migrants, or 21% of the total.
  • Africa had 9%, while Latin America and the Caribbean accounted for 5%, and Oceania housed 3% of global migrants.
  • Some countries see even higher concentrations of migrants. For example, 88% of the population in the United Arab Emirates consists of international migrants.

Additionally, migration patterns show a growing gender disparity. In 2020, 51.9% of international migrants were male, compared to 48.1% female, marking an increase in the male migrant population over the last two decades.

How COMPASS Supports Global Migration Efforts

The COMPASS programme is built to address critical migration issues, including governance, rights protection, and multistakeholder cooperation. IOM and its partners aim to:

  • Communicate and share findings from research to shape migration policy.
  • Raise awareness of key topics like gender, diversity, and mental health support for migrants.
  • Advocate for the protection of migrants’ rights.

The comprehensive nature of COMPASS allows it to address various migration challenges across different regions, from Africa and Asia to Europe and North America.

For more information about the COMPASS programme, visit: IOM/COMPASS

Twins Group: Proposing Visual Storytelling to Amplify Migration Narratives

Recognizing the importance of storytelling in migration advocacy, Twins Group recently had the opportunity to propose a comprehensive solution to IOM to enhance migration awareness through high-quality audiovisual content. Our Moroccan-based team, with expertise in video production, animation, and graphic illustration, is prepared to produce engaging materials that simplify complex migration topics and reach diverse audiences.

Through visual media, Twins Group aims to:
  • Create animated videos and illustrations that highlight key migration statistics, trends, and human experiences.
  • Develop compelling testimonial videos from the field, featuring real-life stories of migrants, IOM staff, and community leaders.
  • Produce infographics that break down complicated data, making it easier for policymakers and the public to understand global migration dynamics.

By using innovative approaches to visual storytelling, Twins Group hopes to support IOM’s efforts to advocate for migrants’ rights and promote safe, regular, and dignified migration worldwide.

Migration Trends and Looking Forward

While only a small proportion of the world’s population – 3.6% – are international migrants, migration remains a critical component of global demographic change. As the COMPASS programme continues to evolve, it is clear that innovative communication and visual storytelling will play an essential role in shaping future migration policies.

Through its proposed partnership with IOM, Twins Group is committed to making migration narratives more accessible, engaging, and impactful through powerful visuals, animations, and storytelling. Together, we can amplify the voices of migrants and advocate for a world where migration is safe and orderly.

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